February is American Heart Month. Wearing red today shows support and awareness that heart disease is the leading cause of death, especially women, in the U.S. Heart disease is largely preventable. Learn more about Heart Month: https://trst.in/L1yza5 #pcssdproud #serveall
11 months ago, PCSSD
american heart month
Happy Groundhog Day! Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his borrow to determine if we have six more weeks of winter or an early spring. He did NOT see his shadow, which means an early spring. #pcssdproud #serveall
11 months ago, PCSSD
groundhog day
This Black History Month we are celebrating African Americans Artists who also have an Arkansas connection. Robert Johnson lived in Arkansas briefly. He was a musician and songwriter known for his delta blues guitar and described as the first ever rock star. #pcssdproud #serveall
11 months ago, PCSSD
Black History Month: Robert Johnson
Did you know that sewing is a work of art dating back to ancient times? 5th graders loved learning to sew buttons and simple stitches! Next up in art are purses and pizza pillows so stay tuned! Thank you, Mrs. Coker!
11 months ago, Staisey Hodge
Sewing 3
Sewing 2
Sewing Project 1
This Black History Month we are celebrating African Americans Artists who also have an Arkansas connection. Scott Joplin, raised in Texarkana, become known as the "King of Ragtime" Joplin composed over 40 ragtime pieces and best known for "Maple Leaf Rag." #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Black History Month: Scott Joplin
Valentine's Day will be here before we know it! If you wish to help your child's class with the Valentine's Party, please remember to register in time to receive approval as a volunteer. Since adults will be working directly with students to assist in serving food and leading activities, only approved volunteers are allowed to attend. This is the district protocol to protect students. Here is the link where you can sign up. https://securevolunteer.com/Pulaski-County-Special-School-District/home Please don't wait for the last minute!
12 months ago, Staisey Hodge
We love volunteers
As we wrap up the month of January, we have one last message of appreciation for our school board. At our board of education meeting earlier this month, the board was recognized for their dedication to PCSSD. Thank you! #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Thank you PCSSD Board of Education
We're recognizing our school board members this month with a throwback to their high school days. Next up, Stephen Delany board member for zone 1. Delaney attended the Scholars/TAG program starting at College Station and then Fuller Jr High before graduating from Mills in 1999. Delany was a member of the 98' state champion quiz bowl team, the speech and debate team, and served on the TAG program advisory council. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Stephen Delany PCSSD Board Member
We're recognizing our school board members this month with a throwback to their high school days. Next up, Stephen Delany board member for zone 1. Delaney attended the Scholars/TAG program starting at College Station and then Fuller Jr High before graduating from Mills in 1999. Delany was a member of the 98' state champion quiz bowl team, the speech and debate team, and served on the TAG program advisory council. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Stephen Delaney PCSSD Board Member
It's National Puzzle Day! Not only do puzzles bring us together, spending time daily working on puzzles improves memory, cognitive function, and problem-solving skills. What is your favorite kind of puzzle? #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
National Puzzle Day
Today is Data Privacy Day. Our increased reliance on digital technologies to manage every facet of life necessitates the need to rethink what we share about ourselves, when and where we share it, and who we are sharing it with. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Data Privacy Day
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Lastly, choose what best meets your child's needs. Your child's educational needs come first and now you can make the choice that benefits them. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
National School Choice Week
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Next up, evaluate schools. After researching and visiting schools, you can narrow down the schools based on which one meets your child's needs. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
National School Choice Week
We're recognizing our school board members this month with a throwback to their high school days. Next up, Tina Ward board member for zone 2. Ward graduated from Flint Northwestern High School in 1989. Ward was a member of the softball and track team, FBLA, and managed the school store. She was also voted class clown and Miss Brick-house. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
Tina Ward PCSSD Board Member
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Next up, visit schools. Getting a personal tour allows you to experience the values and culture of a school and how your child will benefit. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
National School Choice Week
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Next up, make a list and research schools. Knowing all the options available allows for the best and most informed decisions to be made. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
National School Choice Week
We're recognizing our school board members this month with a throwback to their high school days. Next up, Wendy Potter board member for zone 5. Potter graduate from Bryant High School in 1998. While at Bryant she was a member of the Spanish Club. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
wendy potter
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Next up, decide what you need and want from a school or learning environment. Write down the needs you know will help your child thrive. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
school choice week 3
It's School Choice Week. Each day will be a suggested sequence of steps when considering your child's education. Next up, identify your goals for your child. You know best what your child needs in order to succeed in education. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
school choice 2
PCSSD has been monitoring the freezing rain moving across the state this morning. With temperatures hovering at freezing and road conditions still a great concern, PCSSD will be closed today - Monday, January 22. All 12-month employees are asked to report to work at 11 a.m. We feel this is the best decision in order to ensure the safety of students and staff. #pcssdproud #serveall
12 months ago, PCSSD
jan 22 closed