Today is Young Readers Day, which recognizes the joys and benefits of reading. Books open a world of imagination and knowledge to readers every day and it is important we instill a love of reading into our children at an early age. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

PCSSD is lucky to have so many amazing teacher librarians across the district. Thank you to each one of them (not all pictured) for doing "virtually anything" for our schools, staff and students! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

November is Child Safety Protection Month. The Centers for Disease Control reports children between ages 1-4 have the highest rate of poisoning. Parents should keep cleaning supplies and medications are put away and out of the reach of children. #pcssdproud #equiityandexcellence

Several elementary schools held mock elections last week to teach students about registering to vote and casting their ballot. Check out these pictures of students learning about their civic duty: http://ow.ly/CxJt50Cbzon
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

Reminder! There is no school tomorrow (Friday, November 6). It is a Flex/Professional Development day for teachers. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

Remember to wash and refresh those masks! See the image below for information.

October is National Adoption Awareness Month. To learn more about adoption, check out the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Children & Family Services. The agency works tirelessly to ensure all Arkansas children have a safe and stable home every day.

BAKER ELEMENTARY 2nd grade virtual teacher, Mrs. Garmon, revealed the election results after her class held a mock election. Leading up to the class election, students read "Grace for President," which is about a girl who noticed there were no female presidents so she decided to run for president! Mrs. Garmon also taught what is means to be a good citizen and the electoral college process.

Students at BAKER ELEMENTARY learned all about the election process. The registered to vote and discussed the character traits of our candidates for class mascot, Pete the Cat and Clifford the Big Red Dog. They stood in line at the polling station and cast their ballots to vote in their very own voting booth. Finally, they counted the votes and ourthe new class mascot is...Clifford!

Today is Election Day! Don't forget to cast your vote and make your voice heard!

Don't forget, we get an extra hour of sleep tonight! Daylight saving time ends 2 a.m. tonight, so set your clocks back before you go to bed!

Happy Halloween!

Wonder Women protected Baker today!

Ready for Action!

Can you name the teacher behind the costume?

Baker staff enjoyed coming as Superheroes !!!

They are off to the Bat Cave! Where's Robin?

Say "Boo!" to Drugs!!!!

We say, "Boo" to Drugs!!!!!

We're in the Army now! #militarybakerstyle