Leaving Baker for the Holidays like a Boss!!!

We are wishing all of our PCSSD family and staff a wonderful winter break! Teachers will return Jan. 6 for Professional Development. Students return to school Jan. 7.

PBIS Movie Box Office open for business

Words cannot express our gratitude to those who made donations to clear lunch debt at some of our schools. So far, we've received more than $10,000 in donations for schools across PCSSD.

Elf on the bus?????

Look who dropped in to share in the holiday spirit!

Mrs. Henry, Mrs. McKenzie, and Deputy Superintendent Smith supervise 4th graders in their Reading and Science culminating activity of creating slime.

Elf takeover!!!!!

Joy Elf on the Playground

Oh no!!!! Joy Elf is at it again!!!!

Joy Elf sliding into trouble!

Baker’s Elf

Joy Elf on the loose!!!!

Coach Eskola dropped by Baker with the State Champion Trophy!!! Congratulation Robinson Senators, 2019 State Champs!!

A team of lumberjacks!!!

Miss Metro Ebony Mitchell stopped by BAKER Elementary School to read a Christmas story & make cards for children at Arkansas Children's Hospital. Thank you for including our students & thinking of those at ACH! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence

Joy Elf on the loose in PreK!

Hotdogs compliments of First Security!

Bazaar is up and running!

Getting ready for those holiday shoppers!