UALR is hosting a Community Night of Coding Monday (Dec. 9) from 5-8pm in the EIT building. There will be workshops and demos, Hour of Code activities for all ages, computer science hands-on demos and more! Register here: http://ow.ly/jkGC50xtGPE

Ms. Conklin, Mrs. Honea, and their students are producing "Bath Bombs" for Baker's annual Bazaar. They are producing 4 different scents. Students think the "Grinch Gas Bomb" will a hit! Visit their booth for your holiday relaxation needs!

Baker Fit Day

Baker Fit Day


Hagermania Science Show

Hagermania Science Show

PBIS Pumpkin Party

Mrs. Garmon’s class preparing for the “Turkey Bowl”.

Mrs. Garmon transformed her classroom for the “Turkey Bowl”. Students participated in creative, cooperative, and engaging skill review activities.

Gingerbread House Construction

Baker’s Gingerbread House Family Night

Students from Mrs. Garmon's second grade class at BAKER ELEMENTARY performed for the school and their parents before the break. The students enjoyed participating in a reenactment of the first Thanksgiving.

Pulaski County Special School District wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving!

REMINDER: Schools are closed this week for Fall Break! Enjoy the week off. District office will be closed Thursday and Friday. See you all back in the classroom next week!

Thank you to our families and friends who came out for the Thanksgiving lunch celebrations! Our students really enjoyed it!

Several PCSSD teacher librarians attended the American Association of School Librarians Conference in Louisville, KY. They learned how to create diverse collections, build collaborative partnerships and develop innovative teaching practices.

This is American Education Week and the National Education Association today promotes parental involvement, including reading to children, checking homework, asking about their school day and developing a relationship with teachers. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence #AEW2019

REMINDER: schools will be closed next week (Nov. 25 - Nov. 29) for Fall Break. Central office will be only be closed Thursday (Nov. 28) and Friday (Nov. 29).

This is American Education Week and today we kick off the week to honor our education community members who are each critical in building great public schools in Pulaski County! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence #AEW2019